
Kristie Lengel jumping in the street.

Informed Consent for Participation in Exercise & Wellness Activities

I desire to engage voluntarily in the www.kristielengel.com exercise programs that include but are not limited to: interval training, yoga, resistance training, calisthenics, and other wellness programs to improve my physical fitness. I understand that the activities are designed to place a gradually increasing workload on the cardio-respiratory system, thus improving its’ function.

The reaction of the cardio-respiratory system to such activities cannot be predicted with complete accuracy. There is a risk to certain changes that may occur during or following the exercise. (These changes might include abnormalities of blood pressure or heart rate).

I understand that the purpose of the exercise/ wellness program is to develop and maintain cardio-respiratory fitness, body composition, flexibility and muscular strength & endurance. In signing this consent form, I affirm that I have read this form in its entirety and that I understand the nature of the exercise program. In the event that a medical clearance must be obtained prior to my participation in the programs, I agree to consult my physician and obtain permission from my doctor prior to the commencement of any exercise program.

Also, in consideration for being allowed to participate in the www.kristielengel.com exercise and wellness programs, I agree to assume the risk of such exercise and further agree to hold Kristie Lengel harmless from any and all claims, suits, losses or related causes for damages, including but not limited to, such claims that may result from injury, accidental or otherwise, during or arising in any way from the exercise/wellness programs.