5 Reasons to Hire a Coach

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The new year is just around the corner and whether you've completely fallen off track with your healthy habits or you're looking to rev it up in 2023, it's often difficult to figure out what the best "bang for your buck" is when it comes to getting the results you want! There's:

  • Gym memberships
  • Personal trainers
  • Weight loss pills
  • Protein powders
  • Diet syrups
  • Strict fad diets
  • Chain weight loss centers
  • And more!

It's hard to know where to start in the new year, but it's common to feel motivated to take matters into your own hands.

  • You sign up for the gym membership and plan to go every morning before work.
  • You throw out all of the crappy food in your house.
  • You find 10 recipes online and make them all the first Sunday of the new year.

BUT...........By Thursday, you've shut off your alarm and stopped at Starbucks for a Grande Vanilla Latte and a croissant.

Does this sound familiar? Of course, it does! I’ve done it a million times myself! Relying on motivation and motivation alone can be extremely difficult!

  • You compare yourself to others in the gym and think to yourself "there’s no way I’ll ever get there”
  • You watch your "skinny” friend eat a slice of pizza and think to yourself "why do I even bother?”
  • Your coworker explains that the ONLY way you’ll lose weight is by doing Keto, but everything you prepped for the week is Paleo
  • Your husband already lost 5 pounds in the first 4 days, and you gained a half of a pound!

The "information overload” that surrounds you can be extremely defeating, and you typically end up quitting! So, this year, instead of relying on yourself to sort out all the "noise” in your head and information around you, here's 5 reasons why you should invest in a coach instead and FINALLY get the results that you want so badly:

1) Less guesswork = better progress!

Instead of trying to figure out the best approach for weight loss for you, your coach will do that for you! Working with an experienced professional in the fitness and nutrition industry will take all of the guesswork out of the process and you'll expedite your success! I mean, who doesn't want to reach their goals FASTER, am I right?!

2) You have support when things don't work out or challenges arise.

When the going gets tough, and you're not sure how to pivot, that's typically when you quit! But there's no "one size fits all” for weight loss out there, so that's where the experience of a coach comes into play! A coach can decide what changes to make and what else might need to be implemented in order for you to reach your goals! You won't be left to figure it all out on your own!

3) Everyone needs personal attention when making a lifestyle transformation.

Creating healthy new habits and transforming your lifestyle so that you can lose the weight and KEEP it off is no simple task! And you don't have to do it alone! Having a coach "in your pocket” to help you every step of the way and hold you accountable is exactly the personal attention everyone needs to make such big changes!

4) Your coach can decide if you're making good progress instead of you relying on your own judgment and comparing yourself to others.

Half the battle of a lifestyle transformation is your mindset, right? It's easy to self-doubt, to question yourself, and to lose steam when comparing yourself to the progress of people around you. Having a coach track realistic progress for you, and you alone, is exactly the kind of confidence boost you'll need to KEEP GOING! Having worked with thousands of individuals, a coach can decide how well, or not well you might be doing, and implement the changes necessary. You don't have to count on you, and you alone!h

5) A coach will build up your confidence so that you can continue to be successful on your own!

Navigating a new healthy lifestyle with your coach, getting the results you want, and then knowing exactly what YOU need to do in order to continue to be successful is PRICELESS! You will build up the confidence to put together your own workout schedule, decide what and when to eat, and how much or how little. Knowledge is POWER, and a coach can help give you all the knowledge

you need to feel confident continuing your journey on your own and doing it successfully! #notstartingoveronmonday

hire a coach 2 min

Are you ready to transform your life in 2023?! I currently have 3 remaining spots available for my 1:1 Forever #Balanced Coaching program for the new year! Submit your application and book your FREE consultation today!